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2018年01月23日 11:04:00来源:问医知识

Gail: Oh!哎呀!Mike: Are you okay?你还好吗?Gail: Yeah, Irsquo;m just not used to these crutches yet. The doctor said I should start using them if I ever want to get out of this wheelchair, but I donrsquo;t have the strength to stand up.是啊,我只是不习惯使用这些拐杖医生说如果我想要从轮椅中出来,我就应该开始使用拐杖但我没有站起来的力气Mike: Yoursquo;ll get the hang of it. Donrsquo;t lose heart.你会掌握使用拐杖的窍门不要灰心Gail: It should be easy now that my arm is out of the cast, but it just seems impossible. I feel Irsquo;m going to lose my balance each time I try to stand up.我的胳膊从模子中拿出来应该能容易些,但这似乎是不可能的每一次我试图站起来,我觉得我马上会失去平衡Mike: Try again, and this time lean on me and Irsquo;ll try to serve as your legs until you can find your balance.再试试,这一次靠着我,我会辅助你,直到你找到平衡Gail: I wish I didnrsquo;t feel so utterly useless. Itrsquo;s so frustrating!我真希望自己不要这么没用它是如此令人沮丧!Mike: I know. Just keep your eye on the ball and give it another try. The next thing you know, yoursquo;ll be limping along and then running a marathon. Itrsquo;s just a matter of time bee you get your mobility back.我知道只要保持警觉,再试试接下来的事情你知道的,你要会一瘸一拐的沿着掳走,来次耐力的考验找回灵活性只是一个时间的问题Gail: Yeah, right. Okay, first things first. Letrsquo;s see if these useless legs of mine will cooperate this time.是的,说得对好吧,重要的事先做让我们来看看我的这些无用的腿这次能否能协调get the hang of 掌握;;的窍门; 熟悉...的用法lose heart 灰心lose my balance 失去平衡keep your eye on the ball 保持警觉first things first 重要的事先做 591。

  • After Mom died, I began visiting Dad every morning bee I went to work. He was weak and moved slowly, but he always had a glass of fresh orange juice on the kitchen table me, along with a note saying, ;Drink your juice.; Such a gesture, I knew, was as far as Dad had been able to go in expressing his love. In fact, I remember, as a kid I had questioned my Mom ;Why doesnt Dad love me?; Mom asked, ;Who said he doesnt love you?; ;Well, he never tells me,; I complained. ;He never tells me either,; she said, smiling. ;But look how hard he works to take care of us, to buy us food and clothes, and to pay this house. That how your father tells he loves us. Do you understand?; I nodded slowly. I understand in my head, but not in my heart.妈妈去世以后,我工作前每天都去看望爸爸他很虚弱,并且行动缓慢,但是他总是在厨房的桌子上给我留一杯新鲜的橙汁,并且附着一个纸条:“喝杯橙汁吧” 我知道,这个举动是父亲表达爱的一种方式事实上,我记得小时候我问过妈妈为什么爸爸不爱我妈妈说:“谁说他不爱你呢?” “恩,他从来没有告诉我他爱我们”,我抱怨道“他是从来没有对我们说过,” 妈妈笑着说,“但是你知道他照顾我们有多辛苦吗,为我们买食物和衣,买我们出的房子这就是你爸爸爱我们的表达你懂了吗?” 我慢慢地点点头我的大脑明白了,但是我的心没有Many years later, after drinking the juice Dad prepared me, I walked over and hugged him and said, ;I love you, Dad.; From then on I did this every morning. My father never told me how he felt about my hugs. Then one morning I hugged him extra hard, and said what Id always wanted to. ;Youve told others you love me, but I never heard it from you.; Dad looked uncomtable. He seemed about to speak, then he shook his head. ;Tell me!; I shouted. ;All right! I love you!; Dad finally blurted. In that instant something occurred that I had never seen bee His eyes glistened, then overflowed.很多年以后,在喝完爸爸为我准备的橙汁以后,我走过去抱着他说:“爸爸,我爱你”从那以后,我每天早晨都这么做我的父亲没有告诉我我拥抱他的感受一天早晨,我拥抱他格外用力,然后说了我一直想说的父亲看上去并不轻松:“你告诉过别人你爱我,但是我从没有听你说过” 他看上去正要说什么,但是他摇了摇头我大声地说:“告诉我!”“好吧,我爱你!”爸爸终于最后说出来那一刻我从未见过的情景出现了:爸爸的眼神闪烁,满眼泪花I stood silent. Finally, after all these years, my heart joined my head in understanding. My father loved me so much that just saying so made him weep, which was something he never did in front of family. Mom had been right. Everyday Dad had told me how he loved me by what he did and what he gave...我安静地站在那里终于,经过了这么多年,我的大脑和心都理解和感受到了爱我的父亲如此爱我以致于他一开口,就朦胧了双眼这些是从没有在家人面前表现过的妈妈是对的父亲每天都在表达爱,通过做和给予来诠释 18893。
  • ;How silly this all is!;said Izz impatiently. ;He a gentleman son. He wont marry any of us or Tess either!;“这一切都太可笑了!”伊茨忍不住说道,“他是个绅士的儿子,他是不会娶我们中间任何一个的,包括苔丝在内!”They all sighed,and crept into their beds,and fell asleep. But Tess,with her deeper feelings,could not sleep.一阵叹息之后,她们都爬上床,睡着了但是苔丝,怀着更深的感情,却无法入睡了She knew Angel Clare preferred her to the others.She was more attractive,better educated and more womanly.她知道,安吉尔·克莱尔喜欢她胜过其他姑娘她更富有魅力,更有教养也更有女人味儿She could keep his affection her.But should she? Perhaps the others should have a chance of attracting his attention,and even of marrying him.她可以让他继续对她怀有爱慕之情但是,她应该吗?也许其他人也应该有机会吸引他的注意,甚至与他结婚She had heard from Mrs Crick that Mr Clare had spoken of marrying a country girl to help him farm,milk cows and reap corn.她曾从克里克夫人那儿听说,克莱尔先生说起过要娶一个乡下姑娘帮他经营农场,挤牛奶、割庄稼什么的Tess had promised herself she would never marry and would never be tempted to do so.She ought to leave the field open the other girls.苔丝曾向自己保过,永远不结婚,也永远不被人引诱结婚她应该敞开这块天地,把机会留给别的姑娘们 8983。
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