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2018年01月23日 11:03:58

连云港什么医院做包皮手术好大家好,对于事物我们总有不同的看法,希望今天教大家的三句话可以让大家在表达看法的时候用上。来看第一句:This is not how it looks.这句话是用来辟谣的,当有些事情看起来让人误会,而实情却不是表面那般,你就可以用上这句话This is not how it looks.事情不是表面看来的这样。用这句话可以说他人不要只凭他们所看到的片面就骤下结论。I wouldnt look at it like that.每一件事都有两面。There are two sides of a story. 而对于同一件事的看法,每个人或许都不尽相同。下次当有人所提出的看法,你自己不能苟同之时,就可以用上这句话I wouldnt look at it like that. 我不会用这个角度来看。用这句话表示自己对于同一件事,持有不同的意见。Im gonna give this to you straight.首先来了解一个短语-give this to you straight。Give sth. to sb.指的是把某物给某人,以什么样的方式呢?——Straight 坦白地,直说。因而give this to you straight 就是让我直说吧。Im gonna give this to you straight. 让我来对你说明白,让我打开天窗说亮话。在美语中,give this to you straight最常用在男女朋友分手,好说歹说都没用时,逼不得已只好打开天窗说亮话:Im gonna give this to you straight. I do not love you at all.您正收听的节目是,茶余饭后看看美图,听听英语,坚持积累,你一定会有所收获的。今天的节目就到这里,我们下期再见,拜拜!背景音乐:Please Mr. Postman-Carpenters本节目属 /201407/309966连云港九龙男子医院治疗阳痿多少钱第一, 迷你对话A: It’s said that the government will carry out some plans on wage control.据说政府出台一些计划来控制工资情况。B: They are just flying a kite.那只不过是试探公众的反应罢了。A: What do you mean?这话是什么意思?B: If the public apposes it strongly, the government will drop it’s plan.如果公众强烈反对的话,政府就会取消计划。第二, 地道表达fly a kite1. 解词释义Kite 除了有“风筝”的意思,还可以表示“试探性行动”。Fly a kite的意思即为:试探舆论,其英文解释为:to make a suggestion in order to see what other people think about your idea。2. 拓展例句e.g. Some members of the government flew a kite about wage control on television.几位政府官员发表电视讲话, 试探公众对工资管制的反应。e.g. Im just flying a kite, really, but do you think there would be any demand for a course on European art?我只是试探一下反应而已,真的,你认为会有对欧洲艺术课程吗?第三, 咬文嚼字carry out:实施,执行e.g. There seem to be no objections to carry out the plan.对执行这个计划似乎没有反对意见。e.g. He is a responsible person and can be trusted to carry out the plan.他是一个负责的人,他去执行计划可以信赖。the public:公众e.g. Its the first time the painting has been displayed to the public.这是该画首次公开展出。e.g. Because of the heavy rain, the public meeting has been declared off.由于大雨,群众大会已宣布取消。第四, 口语句型It is said that… 据说e.g. It is said that the police monitored his phone calls during that period.据说警方在那段时间监听了他的电话。e.g. It is said that his discourses were very soul-moving.据说他的讲道词是很能动人心灵的。 /201512/416150Yeah, I went to the University of Minnesota and I graduated in 1992. My major was International Relations...with an economics focus and an international business focus, East Asian studies… I was all over the place! I studied lots of different things, but basically International Relations!Then I came to South Korea and I went to graduate school for an MBA, but I didn’t finish the MBA… I had some visa problems!Anyway, I’ve been teaching English in South Korea for a long time. I first started teaching in 1987! Now it’s 2012, so my goodness, almost 25 years! 2011! It’s not 2012! Almost 25 years of teaching English and I really love it.I don’t call myself a teacher, though. I like to call myself a coach. Because a lot of my students — they’re adults— their English basics are really good. They just need practice.1. graduate v. 毕业 +in 年份,+from 学校2. major n. 专业/主修3. international a. 国际的4. international relations 国际关系5. economics n. 经济学6. East Asian a. 东亚的7. I was all over the place 这里指我什么都学8. basically adv. 基本上9. MBA Master of Business Administration 企业管理硕士10. my goodness 我的天呀11. coach n. 教练12. adults n. 成人去面试前,先问问自己有没有办法流利回答以下问题:1. Which school did you go to? 你上哪间学校2. What was your major? 你的专业是什么?3. What subjects did you study? 你学习什么科目?4. What do you do? How long have you been doing it? 你工作是什么?做了多久?5. Do you like what you are doing now? 你喜欢现在在做的事/工作吗? /201502/357874连云港最专业男科医院

连云港割包皮手术的医院连云港妇保医院男科专家挂号网罗天下新鲜、好玩、有趣、时尚的英语表达,尽在独家专栏节目;E聊吧;。本期节目的topic:To fly off the handle 发脾气,发火,生气在远古时候,斧头是一个非常重要的工具,劳动,生产都需要用到斧头,在这方面,斧头无疑是造福人类的;但是如果使用斧头用力过大的话,可能会导致不堪设想的后果,斧头脱离了柄子,飞出去的话,那么遭殃的肯定是在那附近的人。因此,fly off the handle 引申出来的意思就是,发脾气,发火,生气。【例句一】如今这社会,很多人压力都非常大,很多人很容易烦躁,莫名其妙地就烦躁了,人在烦躁的时候最容易发脾气。My daughter feels very low and easily upset. If anything goes wrong, she will fly off the handle.我女儿情绪低落,很容易烦躁。任何事情出错了,她都会发火。【例句二】约会迟到理由数不胜数,但是如果把借口找到出车祸上,估计下面的这位朋友真的很厉害。Honey, please dont fly off the handle -- I had a little accident with the car, but it certainly wasnt my fault.亲爱的,你可别发火。我出了一点小车祸,但是那绝不是我的错。【例句三】人难免偶尔会发一下脾气,真是正常的,但如果为了一些芝麻绿豆的小事情发火的话,那就显得不太合理了。A person shouldnt fly off the handle about every little thing.一个人不应为每件芝麻小事发火。 [本节目属] /201304/235327连云港市第一人民医院新海分院男科咨询灌云县人民医院男科专家

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